- In the last 12 months, we had 18,699 page views (1558 a month or 51 a day) by 7470 unique visitors.
- This is lower than the 2500 page views per month we had in the first 9 months that the new site went live (February 2014 to the annual meeting last year)
- Users spend about two minutes on our website per session and visit an average of 2.4 pages
- Unfortunately, 40% of the sessions last less than 10 seconds, indicating that users may be redirected on accident or they can not quickly find what they are looking for and end the session
- The page with the highest percentage of views (after the home page) is the Calendar (of race events)
- 72% of hits are from new users, compared to 28% coming from returning users
- The geography of users with the highest sessions were:
- 8.6% from Escanaba
- 7.2% from Marquette
- 3% from each of these (Ironwood, Iron Mountain, Houghton, Chicago)
- Google Chrome was the most popular web browser to view our website used 54% of the time. Internet Explorer (Windows) was used 20% of the time with Safari and Firefox each used 11% of the time
- The website was almost equally accessed from Windows computers (48%) vs. Apple computers (38%)
- Apple iOS was the overwhelmingly most popular mobile browser used to access the site at 79% of the time, with Windows Mobile at 13% and Android at 6%
- Race Directors are completing the online request to have races listed on our calendar
- Submission of race results have been very low this year compared to other years. We continue to receive an extremely low number of race results emailed to us for inclusion on the website. It is suspected that this is due in part to the high number of UP races timed by Superior Timing, who hosts all results on their website.
Things that may be considered for 2016
- Using online registration through the website for membership applications
We are always taking suggestions on improving the website. Please submit those to eric.charette@yahoo.com
Eric Charette
UPRRC Webmaster