Sunday, March 29, 2015

Letter from Al Salmi

Dear UPRRC Members:

In the last issue of Running Amuck, which I hope you have read by now, there appeared a list of ALL members who have been inducted into the UPRRC Hall of Fame. I neglected to add that the 3 new members inducted in 2014, were part of the 15th "class" of inductees. I also meant to add that next year our club will be celebrating 40 years since we organized with 14 charter members, all who were named to the Hall of Fame. Hopefully there should/will be a committee formed to plan and organize an appropriate celebration for that milestone year.

I have served on the Hall of Fame committee with Bill Sved, Bill Hager and Jesse Haavisto since 2000. But now it is time for "New Blood" to take over so I am resigning from the committee effective immediately. Our Constitution calls for a three member committee so that means there is at least one opening. If YOU are interested in serving on this committee please contact President Haavisto as soon as possible. I do feel it is very worthwhile to continue recognizing members who contribute time and talent to the operations of our club while also maintaining their running/fitness lifestyle.