- Sam Dean, 17, of Ironwood, was the top male 2 miler with a time of 11:21.
- Lilly Wieringa, 15, of Bessemer, was the top female 2 miler with a time of 14:55.
- Andy Warren, 27, of Ironwood, was the top 10k male with a time of 35:23. Andy’s time was a new record for the 25-29 year old age bracket.
- Hannah Palmeter, 19, of Bessemer, was the top 10k female with a time of 39:56. Hannah’s time is a new record for the 15-19 year old age bracket.
- Matt Tingstad,38, of Bessemer, was the top male in the Stroller Division with a time of 16:40. This is Matt’s 2nd consecutive win.
- Sarah Oja, 32, of Grand Rapids, MN, was the top female in the Stroller Division with a time of 26:09.
Full results are posted on the UPRRC website http://www.uprrc.org/2014-results.html
Ella Miljevich, of Rhinelander set an age group record in the 2 mile race with a time of 21:48 IN THE 5 & under age bracket. Ironwood’s Terri Johnson set an age group record with a time of 17:28 in the 65-69 age group. The Byrns family won the family with the largest number of participants prize. They had 12 participants in the race! This was the fifth year of the Tot Trot which is a mini-fun run for kids ages 0 to 8. We had another great turnout for this event as well. It is awesome to see the determination on the little one’s faces as they run this event!
I’d like to offer a HUGE THANK YOU to all the volunteers who help in any fashion with this race!!! Without you this event would not be the success that it is! Your help is great appreciated. Thank you to all the participants—you make the HOMETOWN RUN what it is! I’d also like to thank our sponsors – Abelman Clothing and Footwear, Leather and Gift, and Kathy Whitburn (American Solutions for Business).
I would also like to thank Dairy Queen and Lac Vieux Desert Resort/Casino for donations to this event. I LOOK FORWARD TO THE 27TH ANNUAL RACE!
Lori Bennetts
Race Director